Please follow the illustration below to hide the warning on FTP Attachments® pop up window (i.e Attach, View, Update, Delete). User has to append &NoWarnings=true/false in the Custom Link URL manually as shown below.

  • &NoWarnings=true: This indicates, warning message will not display on FTP Attachments® pop up window.
  • &NoWarnings=false: This indicates, warning message will display on FTP Attachments® pop up window.
for e.g: Custom Link for Attach

http://{Yourdomain}/sforce/ftp/Attach.aspx?ieldName=ENZ__Opportunity__c&FieldValue={!Opportunity.Id}&OrgID= {!Organization.Id}&SFUrl={!API.Partner_Server_URL_100}&SFSessionID=!API.Session_ID}&Folder=Opportunities/{!Account.Name}/{!Opportunity.Id}&NoWarnings=true 

For Standalone user, replace {Yourdomain} with users domain name.

P.S.: If &NoWarnings=true is not appended in Custom Link URL, warning message will be displayed by default.