Email2Case Configuration Steps:
You can download the Email2Case latest build from the below link.
Step 1: Edit the email2case.txt file. Enter your e-mail account credential as shown below(Fig: 1).
Fig: 1
Step 2: Open sfdcConfig.txt.
Step 2: In sfdcConfig.txt modify the below credential as shown in below Fig: 3.
- In <userName>, enter your Salesforce Account credential where you have installed FTP Attachments® Pro.
- In <notifyEmail>, enter an e-mail address to which an e-mail will be sent if an error occurs during operation.
- In <from>, enter an e-mail address from which an e-mail will be sent to Notify Email address.
- In <apiurl>, enter your domain name here.
- In <com.sforce.mail.EmailService>, enter the path of email2case.txt file on your machine/server.
- In <wsdlbasefolder>, enter the path of WSDL folder on your machine/server.
Step 3: Open EnzigmaEmailAgent.txt(If EnzigmaEmailAgent.bat is not available)
Step 4: Open EnzigmaEmailAgent.txt and Save As EnzigmaEmailAgent.bat (Refer Fig 5, 6 and 7)
Step 5: Run EnzigmaEmailAgent.bat as Run as administrator.