16. Using FTP Attachments® Send Email Beta Functionality


Using Send Email Beta functionality of FTP Attachments® you can send email from Salesforce which contains attachments you have attached as FTP Attachments®. This not only enables you to send emails with attachments but also large attachments can be sent as link. This is very useful for large attachments, because most mailboxes accept only certain maximum size of attachments. Also when end user wants to view the email he has to download entire attachment while downloading the email which may take time and bandwidth and may not be necessary. So only user requires to see the attachment that will can be downloaded by the user.

The emails sent out from Send Email Beta functionality can be sent either through Salesforce API or your own SMTP server. If you use Salesforce API to sent email attachments can be sent only as links because currently Salesforce API does not accept attachments. If you need to send any FTP Attachments® as attachment in the email please use SMTP option.

Send Email Beta functionality is currently into beta version and we recommend testing it thoroughly and be alert while using this functionality in your production environment. Please feel free to contact us and suggest more functionality at [email protected].

Configuring settings for Send Email [Beta]:

Sign up with your Orektic Account and select FTP Attachments® Pro/Subscription/Settings/Email Settings. You need to configure these settings only once, till the time you don’t need to change them.

Figure 16.1 Salesforce User:

1. Valid Salesforce users Login

2. Salesforce account password

Make sure that you are entering correct Salesforce User. These credentials are very important to fetch data from your Salesforce account. When you send any FTP Attachments® as a link in email, when the recipient of the link tries to open the link these credentials are used to access the attachment. It is necessary that user name and password supplied here has rights to the FTP Attachments® which are sent out.


                                                                          Figure: 16.1


Figure 16.2 SMTP Server Settings:

1. SMTP Server: Name or IP address of the SMTP server you want to use

2. Login: Login ID for the server specified

3. Password: Password for the server specified

4. Confirm Password: Re-type your password for confirmation

5. Port: Port no. used to connect to your SMTP Server for communication. Default for SMTP is 25.

6. From Email: Default name of the sender

Please enter correct settings for SMTP server. These settings are used to send email through SMTP server. So if invalid data is entered, mail will not be sent.


                                                                          Figure: 16.2


Figure 16.3 Search Layout Settings:

1. Object: Salesforce object from where fields are to be set in the search layout.

2. Default Field: Default field that is already specified in search layout (e.g. Name)

3. Available Fields: Available fields from the Salesforce object selected in 1.

 NOTE: Only searchable fields from selected object will display

4. Selected Fields: Fields which are to be placed in Search Layout that are selected by user.

 NOTE: You can also select multiple fields as shown in Figure 16.3.Then click Add.

Fields specified under Search fields for each object will appear in the layout when you search for the attachments from object, using Search Record button from Send Email.
Otherwise, default fields for each field will appear in search layout.

                                                                     Figure: 16.3

Figure 16.4 SMTP Server Settings:

1. SMTP Server: Name or IP address of the SMTP server you want to use

2. Login: Login ID for the server specified

3. Password: Password for the server specified

4. Confirm Password: Re-type your password for confirmation

5. Port: Port no. used to connect to your SMTP Server for communication. Default for SMTP is 25.

6. From Email: Default name of the sender

Please enter correct settings for SMTP server. These settings are used to send email through SMTP server. So if invalid data is entered, mail will not be sent.



                                                                                              Figure: 16.4


Figure 16.5 Default Email Settings:

1. Max. File Size (MB): Maximum File Size of the attachment is to be uploaded, applicable when you want to send attachment as a file. Any single file can not exceed this limit.

2. Max. Total File Size (MB): Maximum Total File Size for all attachments to be uploaded, applicable you want to send attachment as a file. If total size of all the attachments being sent exceeds this limit user will not be allowed to add more attachments in the Send Email Beta functionality.

3. In How Many Days Attachment Link Will Expire? : In how many days attachment link should expire. Default is 30 days.

4. Base URL for Attachment As A Link : Enter Base Url of the FTP Attachments® application is installed; this is the main url which will be visible to the email recipients.


                                                                           Figure: 16.5

These settings are used when you attach files as an Attachment or as a Link to send through email. By setting Link Expiration Date you can restrict your email receiver from using the attachments after expiration date. After specified days receiver will not be able to download attachment from link.

After configuring settings in your Orektic account, now you are ready to use Send Email Beta feature.

Using Send Email Beta functionality:

Make sure you have created the custom link or button “Send Email” and added it to the page layout of the object through which you want to Send Email. You can use our Custom Link Manager to generate link.


                                                                      Figure: 16.6

Guidelines for Figure 16.6

1) To: Receiver of the mail

2) Cc: Carbon copy of mail will be sent to all the recipients listed here

3) Bcc: Blank Carbon copy of mail will be sent to all the recipients listed here, but they will not be able to see the names of other recipients.

4) Subject: Subject of your mail – brief 5-6 word description of the email you are sending which user can see without even opening the email

5) Send Mail Through: You can send email through either Salesforce or SMTP Server. Select the option depending upon your choice.

 NOTE: Salesforce does not allow sending files as Attachments. Instead, you can Send Email through SMTP server to do so.

6) Record to Salesforce: If you check this checkbox, the email you send is automatically listed in the Activity History related list of the object.

 NOTE: Make sure to add Activity History to the page layout of the object under Related List Section.

                                                                             Figure: 16.7

7) Preview: Preview your mail before sending.
Refer figure given below:

                                                                        Figure: 16.8

Some points regarding Send Email Beta:

1. You can apply your Salesforce templates to your mails.

2. You can also specify values for To, Cc, Bcc and From addresses in the URL of the Send Email button or link. If the object through which you want to Send Email does not contain these details, values passed trough URL will be considered. Otherwise, they will be replaced with values from object.
For e.g.: Consider the link specified below:

http://orektic.yourcompany.com/sforce/ftp/SendEmail.aspx?ID={!Account.Id}&OrgID={!$Organization.Id}&SFUrl={!API.Partner_Server_URL_100}&SFSessionID={!API.Session_ID}&[email protected]&[email protected], [email protected]&[email protected], [email protected]&[email protected]

Details about Send Email:


                                                                                       Figure: 16.9

1. Template Folder: Choose a predefined Email template. Choose a folder and select a template from the folder. (Go to Personal Setup/Email/My Templates in Salesforce to
view your templates.) NOTE: Wrong merge fields from template will be replaced with [Field not found].

2. Template: Templates available in selected Template Folder.

Select Template and click on Select Template to apply selected Template to email.

                                                                                Figure: 16.10                                                                                   

1. Expiry Date: Expiration date for the attachments to be sent as a link. Default is 30 Days (you can also set this default in your settings), the link expires in that many days and email recipient will not be able to download the attachments after that.

2. Select Record: To select attachments from different objects click Select Record. For customizing search layout, refer Configuring settings for Send Email Beta (Figure 16.10)

3. Search All: Select Salesforce object from which you want to select attachments. NOTE: Only objects linkable to FTP Attachments® will be visible here.

4. Keyword: Specify the word or phrase to search for. Objects containing search keywords will be returned as a result. 

NOTE: Search string should be atleast 2 characters long.